Saturday, July 11, 2009

Two Blogs, One Day?

Well, if I can get it written and posted in the next 8 minutes that is....

I baby-sat Burim, my three year old nephew and apple of my eye, tonight so that Shannon could attend a friend's wedding. I have been in a FUNK all week long so I was acting more like a brat about doing this than I honestly should have. Here are the highlights from tonight's adventures in baby-sitting and yes, you are going to be subjected to all of the cute stories because almost all of the rest of you have cute kid stories all the time and I am always jealous so now I have some and I am going to blog about them. :-) I should be ashamed of myself for being bratty about baby-sitting when it brings me this kind of joy...(not to mention blog material)

1) I hand my fortune cookie to Burim and he opens it and pulls the paper out. "What does it say Burim?" (since he is learning to read- yes, I know- he is a genius) He hands it back to me and replies, "I don't know- it's in Spanish." I just stared at him and took it away from him. No, don't get all excited- it wasn't actually in Spanish- but where he came up with this is beyond me!

2) Burim knows he is NOT supposed to touch the little chlorine floater in the pool and I often say to his mother- if he isn't supposed to touch it- why not just take it out before he gets in there? Seems simple enough to me! Well, tonight, we all pile into the pool and are having a splendid time and he goes over and picks up the chlorine floater. Wait- who left THAT in there? Oh yeah. I'm the one in charge tonight so I guess that would be ME. "Burim!" (I shriek) I proceed to remind him he is NOT to touch the chlorine and that he knows this and if he does it again- he will get out of the pool and go to time-out. Here comes Mr. Burim through the water. He wraps his arms around my neck, leans his head on my shoulder and says, "Becca......I love you!" Silence. Troy is trying hard not to lose it and bust out laughing. "Burim, I love you too. Now don't touch the chlorine." (Trying to keep a straight face and failing miserably.) When I was re-telling this story to his mother- she says, "Wait. You didn't take it out BEFORE you got in the pool?" Damn my arrogance anyway.

3) When we arrived, we had picked up our dinner and came in with a big bag of food. Burim comes running up to Troy. "Uncle Troy! Did you bring me a burrito? Nuggets?! Pizza?!?!?" We are staring at each other and at his mother- it is 6:30! He didn't eat yet?! He runs to his mother, "They are eating and didn't bring me ANYTHING!" We are HORRIFIED and MORTIFIED! So we proceed to tell him we are going to make him a burrito right now. He looks at us in disgust and says, "I do not WANT to eat now. Right now, I will be playing." Where does this child GET this stuff?

4) Giving Burim his bath after pool time ends. I am sitting on the commode, flipping through a magazine. He turns around and looks at me. "Becca. Are you pooping?" Ummmm. No. But thanks for checking!

5) The best part of the whole night, well besides him being completely adorable and having the best laugh in the whole wide and ENTIRE world, was when he curled up with his blanket and tried to fight off sleep while he laid his head on Troy's lap. This makes my whole WORLD that my nephew who has my dimples and my blood in his veins adores the man I love more than life. I literally cannot explain what it makes me feel and how much it makes me love and adore BOTH of them more and more every time I witness it first hand.

I think five is enough, more than 5 and I would just be showing off. :-)

Dang it. It's 12:02. Oh well. Back to back blogs it will have to be. But I'm not going back to change the title.

Good night!



  1. Yea for you it apparently counts the time you starts. :) It does still say Saturday and posted at 11:51.

    I know...I worked hard to get that little boy so precious. LOL

  2. and that was so dreadfully sad when you walked in and didn't have anything for him...LOL even if he had already eaten, he would have still wanted something. ;)

    btw - i'm holding you to those words! i'll put you on the schedule for at least once a month duty. HAHAHAHA!

  3. I love #4. Colin is finally starting to talk better and every now and then he says something that just cracks me up. Today I went in the bathroom to wash my hands and he followed me in. He looks up at me and says, "Daddy?". I said, "What?". He points at the toilet and says, "Poop?". It was super cute and I couldn't help but laugh. I did make sure to reinforce with him that yes, that is where you poop.

  4. sooooooooooo cute! i love the poop one too...i had to laugh out loud. nieces and nephews are the BEST...thanks for sharing! love you.

  5. Aw, so sweet! Sounds like you had fun!!

  6. 5 was definitely not enough...
