Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

It is soooo much easier for me to walk outside for some reason than it is on the treadmill. The treadmill is a whipping! Walking outside in the fresh air, looking at the beautiful outdoors, and feeling the wind....that doesn't even feel like work most days. It feels like a blessing. So go away rain!

I had planned to meet my mom at 7:30 this morning to romp through the park but was awakened to two big dogs sitting on my head, trembling like leaves, at about 6:10 this morning. It was POURING outside. Sheets and sheets of rain were hitting my window and then before I knew it, here came the hail too. I called my mom and said, "Um, I guess we are NOT walking today?" and she informed me that she already knew this last night due to the weather report. Umph! I advised that would have been more helpful information LAST night when I was setting my alarm! :-)

Mom then proceeded to tell me about the latest on the swine flu and how concerned she is for me and all of the people at my job. Now, go back and note the time. 6 AM? I can't deal with the swine flu at 6 AM. I promised her we would be careful, wash our hands, and steer clear of coughing people. Then I reminded her that the state does NOT care about us (for the billionth time) and so NO they will not be providing us with hazard pay or masks, gloves, and HAZ-MAT suits that she thinks should be issued during this crisis, and that I was now re-setting my alarm and going back to bed. I am going to need my rest if I am going to hold off the swine flu without the state-issued haz-mat suit. Oh, and I better be sure to take my Flintstone vitamin this morning.

I should have just gotten up and gotten on the treadmill...but something about curling back up, crawling back into bed, and listening to the thunder and rain was screaming my name. I will get on the treadmill tonight....I promise. Now, I am going to catch 10 more minutes of sleep. :-)


P.S. Those of you who know me well enough in my adult life are aware of my propensity for catching random illnesses, bizarre medical issues, and, well, just about anything that is catching actually. I have asked Troy to PLEASE ensure if I should die of swine flu to make certain that information is NOT included in my obituary, my eulogy, or on my tombstone. Can y'all please hold him to that? No mention of pigs at my funeral please.

P.P.S. I have also requested liposuction post-mortem should I die before I get to my goal weight. Please donate to that collection if asked. It would be my final wish! And who can deny someone their final wish? :-) Mucho thanks!


  1. I shall deny your final wish. =)


  2. I love waking up to that kind of rain! Not with two dogs sitting on my head, obviously. I'm curious, where do you work?

  3. i am not paying for post-mortem lipo!! you've gotta be crazy! ;-)

  4. only you would even think of post-mortem lipo! you are crazy!
